Illustrations by Catherine Kai Lin Cha
IG: @stormscales
By: Alborz Mohtashami (Death by Tapioca)
IG: @alborzisms, @deathbytapioca
Why am I afraid of nature?
I am nature
Am I scared of my own strength?
In awe of the possibilities
I’ve yet to unlock but I
I know
Await me?
Out there
I’m damn near 6 feet of flesh and bones
And muscle and
More muscle, I’m talking about
3 million deep, that’s metropolitan muscle
3 millennia back, that’s ancestral muscle
3 decades of education, that’s intellectual muscle
And I’m afraid of getting a mosquito bite!
I don’t trust the ground
Until I feel it
But if I feel it too much I’m afraid it’ll
Enshroud me
Eat me alive and I’ll
Become another moss
Living, breathing particle
But not enjoying
What I’ve been told
Is life